A young girl by the name of Maya lived in a small, settled town surrounded by towering mountains in the distant past. Maya was known for her sensitive heart, splendid smile, and interminable positive reasoning. In any case, under her happy outside, she conveyed a torture that consumed her soul.

Maya and her mother were deeply troubled when her father tragically passed away when she was just a young child. In the long run, Maya's mother got sick and couldn't work anymore, leaving them in a terrible needy state. Maya persevered despite the desperate circumstances, taking on a variety of temporary jobs and doing whatever she could to assist her mother.

Maya ran over an elderly person who was sitting alone on a seat as she was meandering through the town at some point. His eyes were stacked up with a huge difficulty that mirrored her own. Maya moved toward him in fascination and asked, "Sir, why do you look so miserable?"

The older individual mumbled and replied, "My dear youth, I pass a disturbance inside me that shows up on to be shocking. My entire family was killed in a terrible accident, and ever since, my heart has been filled with sadness and despair."

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